Welcome to the AFC/FSCJ Chapter Page


  1. About the Association of Florida Colleges
  2. FSCJ Chapter Board
  3. Bylaws, Reports, and Operational Plans
  4. Announcements
  5. Awards and Recognition
  6. Get Connected to the FSCJ Chapter
  7. FSCJ Chapter Report


The Association of Florida Colleges is the professional Association for Florida's 28 public community colleges, their Boards, employees, retirees, and associates.

The mission of the Association is to actively promote, democratically represent, support, and serve the individual members and institutions in their endeavors to provide their students and the citizens of Florida with the best possible comprehensive community college educational system. Learn More

Why Join AFC?

Imagine a place where you can you can be recognized for the work you do and develop lifelong friendships with other AFC members. Other benefits to joining are:  

  • Advocacy for you & the Florida College System in the State Capitol.
  • Network with fellow colleagues both from your college and colleges around the state.
  • Unlimited options to enhance your professional skills with leadership role opportunities.
  • Get involved helping others through service projects.
  • All full-time, part-time, and adjunct employees are welcome to join!

 Join Us and Help Make a Difference!


President:Bryan Stewart- eMail: [email protected]; Phone: 904-633-5966
President-Elect:Blake Ehlers- eMail: [email protected] Phone: 904-646-2340
Past President: Jason Whittington- eMail: [email protected]; Phon904-646-2108
Secretary:Kerri Burns- eMail:kerri.burns@fscj.edu; Phone: 904-361-6243
Treasurer:Denise Giarrusso- [email protected]; Phone: 904-361-6216
Historian: Matt Wetzel- eMail: mwetzel@fscj.edu; Phone: 904-381-3707
Membership Chair: Monica Franklin eMail: monica.franklin@fscj.edu; Phone: 904-766-6766
Publications: Trina McCowan- trina.mccowan@fscj.edu; Phone: 904-994-2572
Legislative: Vacant - eMail: ; Phone: 904-
Service Projects Chair: Ashlie Barker-Empleo- eMail: [email protected]; Phone: 904-633-8202


Florida State College at Jacksonville Chapter
Association of Florida Colleges

ARTICLE I: NAME The name of this organization shall be “Florida State College at Jacksonville Chapter (FSCJ Chapter) of the Association of Florida Colleges, “hereinafter referred to as “AFC/FSCJ Chapter.”
ARTICLE II: MISSION AND GOALS  SECTION 1: MISSION The mission of the AFC/FSCJ Chapter is to strengthen the position of Florida’s college system by supporting the Association’s legislative agenda and to foster camaraderie among all College employees by expanding in professional development, service projects and other College activities. SECTION 2: VALUES The mission of the AFC/FSCJ Chapter is driven by the following values: − Integrity − Excellence in Teaching and Learning − Culture of Honesty and Trust − Creativity − Respect for Diversity SECTION 3: GOALS The goals of the AFC/FSCJ Chapter are to: a. Play an active role in promoting legislation beneficial to the Florida College system and disseminating information to Chapter members and non-members regarding pertinent legislation.
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b. Promote enhanced communication and collaboration between Florida State College at Jacksonville and other Florida College System institutions. c. Facilitate communication and cooperation among the employees of the College. d. Provide opportunities for members and non-members to take advantage of College educational programs and professional development and discuss curriculum development, innovative administration and instructional procedures.
ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1: GENERAL MEMBERSHIP A. Categories Membership is open to any College employee, retiree, or any of the District Board of Trustees upon payment of dues as specified in the State of AFC Bylaws. The eight classes of membership available to employees and/or retirees are Individual, Contributing, Affiliate, Associate, Retiree/Retiree Life, Life, Sustaining or Adjunct Faculty/Part-time Employee. Each AFC member may select affiliation with the Commission(s) of his/her choice at the time of payment of annual dues. The updated list of Commissions is located at https://www.myafchome.org/commissions.  B. Voting Rights Only Individual, Contributing, Retiree, Life, Sustaining and Honorary Life members have full rights of membership including voting and holding office. C. Membership Year The membership year for the individual, contributing, associated, and retired members shall begin upon dues payment and end twelve (12) months later. SECTION 2: BOARD MEMBERSHIP The Full Board shall consist of all elected and appointed officers. All board members must be AFC members in good standing. A. Categories 1. The elected offices are: President, Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Campus Representatives. The campus designations and number of representatives shall be as follows: Downtown Campus / Advanced Technology Center 2 Administrative Offices / Urban Resource Center 1 / 1 Kent Campus / Cecil Center 2 / 1 North Campus / Nassau Center 2 / 1
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Open Campus / Deerwood Center 2 South Campus 2 2. The President is authorized to appoint, as needed, the following officers: Legislative Representative, Parliamentarian, Historian, Commission Chairs, Publications Representative, and Committee Chairs. B. Voting Rights The Voting Board shall consist of the President, Vice President/President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and one representative from each of the following: Downtown Campus / Advanced Technology Center 1 Administrative Offices / Urban Resource Center 1 Kent Campus / Cecil Center 1 North Campus / Nassau Center 1 Open Campus / Deerwood Center 1 South Campus 1 C. Terms of Office The President and Vice President/President-Elect shall serve a one-year term. The Secretary and Treasurer shall serve a one-year term with the option to be re-elected. Campus Representatives shall be elected for staggered two-year terms with the option of being re-elected for additional terms. Appointed officers shall serve at the pleasure of the President, with concurrence of the Voting Board. All officers shall take office on January 1 and serve through December 31. Campus Representatives, who are elected for staggered two year terms, shall take office in January and serve until the term expires. D. Vacancies 1. If the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice President/President-Elect shall become President and call a Board meeting as soon as possible to elect a new Vice President/President-Elect. 2. When a vacancy occurs in any other office, the Executive Committee shall fill the vacancy upon the recommendation of the Chapter President. 3. Campus Representatives who are transferred to another campus shall resign as elected representatives of the campus from which elected. The Executive Committee shall fill the vacancy upon the recommendation of the Chapter President. E. Removal of Officers
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Any officer may be removed from office at the request of the President with concurrence of a majority of the Voting Board. This action must be documented and placed on file with the Chapter Secretary.
ARTICLE IV: DUTIES OF OFFICERS  SECTION 1: ELECTED OFFICERS A. President 1. Preside at the Executive Committee meetings and all other official meetings. 2. Call meetings. 3. Act as the liaison between the Chapter and the College President. 4. Represent the membership. 5. Authorize expenditures and payment of Chapter funds. 6. Co-sign all Chapter minutes with the Secretary. 7. Appoint Ad Hoc Committee and Standing Committee members and other appropriate officers. 8. Serve as a voting delegate to the annual convention. 9. Act as the liaison between AFC’s Executive Director and the Chapter. 10. Serve as the caucus chair of the chapter delegates elected to the State AFC Assembly of Delegates. B. Vice President/President-Elect 1. The Vice President/President-Elect shall serve as a Vice President for one year, and then automatically assume the office of the President the next year. 2. Perform the duties of the President during the President’s absence or disability. 3. Serve as a voting delegate to the annual convention. 4. Assist Commission Chairs with their duties as needed. 5. In the absence of the President, coordinate the compilation of the list containing the official FSCJ representatives to the annual convention and serve as the chair of the Chapter delegates selected to serve as a member of the State AFC Assembly of Delegates. 6. Assist in the verification and certification of FSCJ’s voting delegates to the AFC Assembly of Delegates. 7. Serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee for Chapter elections. C. Secretary 1. Prepare and distribute the agenda for all meetings. 2. Record and distribute the minutes for all official meetings. 3. Handle all correspondence. 4. Serve as a voting delegate to the annual convention.
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D. Treasurer 1. Collect dues from campus members and forward as required by the Association. 2. Safeguard and disburse funds as approved by the President and Executive Committee. 3. Maintain an official file of all Chapter financial transactions. 4. Oversee a periodic audit of Chapter financial records. 5. Serve as voting delegate to the annual convention. E. Campus Representatives 1. Coordinate Chapter activities at the campus level. 2. Distribute correspondence and information, bulletins on chapter, regional and statewide activities. 3. Coordinate membership drives at the campus level. 4. Serve as a voting delegate to the annual convention. SECTION 2: APPOINTED OFFICERS A. Legislative Representative 1. Serve as the liaison between the State Legislative Committee and the Chapter. 2. Keep the membership informed of all legislative matters. 3. Marshall support for the college’s legislative program. 4. Represent the Chapter at the college sponsored legislative activities. 5. Serve as a voting delegate to the annual convention. B. Parliamentarian 1. Serve as a resource for questions pertaining to Robert’s Rules of Order. C. Historian 1. Collect all Chapter photos, correspondence, etc. for the Chapter Book. D. Commission Chairs 1. Coordinate commission activities at the chapter level. 2. Distribute Correspondence and information bulletins on Chapter, Regional and Statewide commission activities. 3. Act as the liaison between the Chapter and the commission at the state level. 4. Solicit nominations for exemplary practices awards. 5. Serve as voting delegate to the annual conference. E. Publications Representative 1. Distribute AFC publications to the membership. 2. Distribute other AFC information as assigned by the Chapter President.
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3. Primary contact for submission of articles to the Region and State for inclusion in their newsletter. 4. Serve as a voting delegate to the annual conference. F. Membership Committee Chair 1. Responsible for organizing and coordinating the annual AFC/FSCJ Chapter membership campaign. 2. Maintain a current listing of all AFC members at the college and provide it to the Chapter President and the AFC Executive Director. 3. Collect and process all membership applications. 4. Primary contact for Payroll Department. 5. Serve as a voting delegate to the annual conference. G. Fundraising and Social Committee Chair 1. Responsible for all fundraising activities of the Chapter. 2. Serve as voting delegate to the annual conference. 3. Coordinate events as requested by the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE V: COMMITTEES SECTION 1: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President/President- Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. SECTION 2: NOMINATING COMMITTEE The Nominating Committee shall be composed of five (5) AFC/FSCJ Chapter members, to include at least one (1) faculty member, one (1) administrator/professional and one (1) career employee, appointed by the President. The Vice President/President- Elect shall chair the committee. SECTION 3: OTHER COMMITTEES Other committees shall be identified as needed by elected or appointed officers, with the approval of the President and the Voting Board.
ARTICLE VI: MEETINGS SECTION 1: ANNUAL MEETING An annual meeting shall be held in the fall for the purpose of organizing the Chapter’s activities for the following year and carrying out other necessary business to include discussing the Annual Conference. A quorum shall be declared with the
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presence of a majority of the Voting Board. See article III, Section 2.B. This meeting will be a chapter-wide meeting and open to any AFC/FSCJ Chapter member who wishes to attend. All members shall be given at least five (5) working days’ notice of the meeting. SECTION 2: BOARD MEETINGS There shall be a meeting of the Full Board on a regular basis. A majority of the Voting Board shall constitute a quorum. These meetings shall be open to any AFC/FSCJ Chapter member who wishes to attend, but those who wish to address the Board will need to notify the Secretary and President in advance. All Board members shall be given written notice of meetings at least five (5) working days prior to the meetings. SECTION 3: NON-SCHEDULED BOARD MEETINGS Meetings not provided for under Article VI, Sections 1 and 2, may be called by the President or at the request of any board member. A majority of the Voting Board shall constitute a quorum. SECTION 4: CAMPUS MEETINGS Campus meetings shall be called by the Campus Representatives as needed.
ARTICLE VII: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF THE CHAPTER  SECTION 1: GENERAL FINANCIAL POLICY The chapter membership invests in the Voting Board full responsibility for establishing overall financial policy and for accepting gifts, grants, or other income from appropriate sources. There shall be an annual summary of financial records, and it shall be made available to the membership through the Campus Representatives after Voting Board approval. SECTION 2: FISCAL YEAR The fiscal year shall coincide with the terms of office of the Chapter officers, beginning in January, with the exception of matters pertaining to the college assigned revenues. SECTION 3: ANNUAL BUDGET The amount of revenue required for the Chapter shall be estimated by the Voting Board at the first meeting of the year January. The Voting Board shall establish an annual budget detailing proposed activities for the year. The budget shall be made available to the general membership in February.
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ARTICLE VIII: ASSEMBLY OF DELEGATES SECTION 1: DETERMINATION OF VOTING REPRESENTATIVE (DELEGATES) TO CONFERENCE A. Primary delegates to the AFC Assembly of Delegates shall include all elected and appointed officers, as well as a Retirees Liaison. B. The remaining delegates to the Assembly of delegates (Secondary) shall be selected by the Voting Board in accordance with Article IV of the AFC Constitution, on a one-to-ten ratio, i.e., one delegate per ten (10) paid members. C. To the greatest extent possible, Delegates to the Annual Conference will be identified in a manner that will ensure appropriate representation of all commission interests and geographic locations of the College. D. Voting representatives are responsible for officially representing the Chapter on Commission business at the annual conference. E. Voting representatives to the Faculty Commission shall be members of the College faculty and shall be appointed by the Voting Board with input from faculty who are AFC/FSCJ members in good standing. F. Voting representatives to the Student Development Commission shall be members of the student development staff of the College and shall be appointed by the Voting Board with input from the student development staff of the college who are AFC/FSCJ members in good standing. SECTION 2: SELECTION OF DELEGATES The Voting Board will determine the number of delegates needed. Twenty (20) working days prior to the Annual Conference, the Vice President/President-Elect will solicit campus members and present the list of members desiring to attend. The Vice President/President- Elect and a representative from each campus and center will review the list and will divide the slots according to the representation of each campus/center as outlined in Article III, Section 2, A. SECTION 3: REPLACEMENT OF DELEGATES In the event that a delegate declines to participate in the Annual Conference, the President, with concurrence of the Voting Board shall appoint a replacement.
ARTICLE IX: AMENDMENTS SECTION 1: AMENDMENT PROPOSAL Amendments to the AFC/FSCJ Bylaws may be proposed to the membership by the Voting Board or by a Chapter member’s written petition to the Voting Board. Such a petition must be received at least ten (10) working days prior to the ratification date.
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A summary of the recommended ByLaw changes will be available to any member wishing to view them by contacting one of the Voting Board members. SECTION 2: VOTING Voting to amend Bylaws shall be by written or electronic ballot. SECTION 3: RATIFICATION Amendments of the Bylaws shall be considered as ratified when two-thirds of the members voting cast affirmative votes.
ARTICLE X: PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY Rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Association.




Chapter Administration, Membership & Meetings

Chapter Board Meetings:

April 19, May 12, July 13

General Membership Meetings:

May 20

# of New Members:

0 (zero)

Other: (Ex: By‐laws updates, changes in Chapter leadership, CCP enrollment, etc.)

Updated By Laws - April 2

Provided updates to Chapter page on main AFC website to include: officers, By Laws and reports, announcements, and awards/recognition

Chapter Activities

Political Activities by Chapter

Provided Legislative Update to all in attendance as part of the General Membership meeting on 5/20

Professional Development Activities by Chapter

Provided Legislative Update to all in attendance as part of the General Membership meeting on 5/20. This presentation was approved FSCJ Training and Organizational Development as professional development toward the FSCJ 1% Salary Incentive.


Social Activities by Chapter

Virtual Chapter Social May 20

Membership Development Activities by Chapter

Developed Chapter webpage (fscj.edu/AFC) to provide AFC information to all members/non-members; includes: Chapter Officers, By Laws, links to membership application, Chapter newsletter and membership video, and links to State AFC Site and Commissions. Webpage shared collegewide to foster interest/membership in the AFC.

Fundraising Activities by Chapter

State, Region & Commission Participation

Participation in Events & Activities (Ex: conferences, commission events, Access AFC, professional development, AFC state region and/or commission webinars)

Hosted the Region II 2021 Spring Conference and Commission Fair on April 23; activities included: Commission Anagrams icebreaker, College Achievement Plan presentation (Adrienne Provost), Why AFC? presentation (Tracey Glidden), presentation on all 14 Commissions, and provided a collective AFC Commission Fact Sheet.

Other Updates

Presented on Safe Future Foundation, Inc., and the agency they support, Florida Diaper Bank, as the Region II 2021 Spring Conference community service component. Also provided a data sheet to conference participants with contacts in their county/region.

Approved by FDOT to participate in Adopt-A-Highway campaign as a two-year Community Service campaign; signage installed June 14 on two-mile stretch of a local highway (Beach Blvd.) running in front of our South Campus. Coordinating first clean-up event on August 13.


Connect, Collaborate, Take Action!

Our Chapter was approved by FDOT to participate in the Adopt-A-Highway program as a two-year Community Service campaign; signage installed June 14 on a two-mile stretch of a local highway (Beach Blvd.) running in front of our South Campus.  Our first clean-up event will be August 13.  If your Chapter is interested, reach out FDOT at https://www.fdot.gov/maintenance/aahinfo.shtm


2020 Communications and Marketing Commission Awards of Excellence FSCJ’s Communications and Marketing team was awarded the following Awards of Excellence by the CMC in January 2021: Brochure (> 10,000 FTE): Silver—Associates in Arts Brochure Digital Advertising Campaign (> 10,000 FTE): Gold—Adult Education Spring and Summer Enrollment Campaign Digital Newsletter (> 10,000 FTE): Silver—BlueWave News-Monthly Employee Newsletter Direct Mail Postcard (> 10,000 FTE): Silver—Recent High School Graduates Postcard Direct Mail Recruiting (> 10,000 FTE): Silver—Academic Advising and College Resources Direct Mailer Magazine Advertising Campaign (> 10,000 FTE): Gold—Jacksonville Symphony Program Ads Magazine Advertising Full Page or Less/Single Unit (> 10,000 FTE): Gold—Short Term Certificate Program Ad Magazine Advertising Spread, Multiple Pages or Insert (> 10,000 FTE): Gold—America’s Promise Advanced Manufacturing Magazine Spread Poster Single (>10,000 FTE): Silver—Author Series 2020 Single Sheet Flyer (> 10,000 FTE): Gold—Business Series Event Flier – Reshaping Career Options Student Handbook/Orientation Guide (> 10,000 FTE): Gold—2019-20 FSCJ Student Handbook Table Top and Retractable Displays (> 10,000 FTE): Gold—Center for International Education Retractable Display; Bronze—CCAMPIS Grant Retractable Display Television 60 seconds or less (> 10,000 FTE): Silver—FSCJ “Prepared for Success” Television Commercial; Bronze— FSCJ “Open Doors” Television Commercial Television Campaign (> 10,000 FTE): Gold—FSCJ “ It’s Your Turn” Television Commercials Viewbook/Recruitment Piece (> 10,000 FTE): Silver—2019-20 FSCJ At a Glance

2020 Technology Commission Exemplary Practice Award Dr. Naita Guine, FSCJ Instructional Program Manager, was awarded 3rd place by the Technology Commission for her topic “Using YouTube to Enhance the Student Experience ” 2020 Workforce, Adult and Continuing Education Commission Exemplary Practice Award Dr. Naita Guine, Instructional Program Manager, FSCJ Instructional Program Manager, was awarded 3rd place by the WACE Commission for her topic “ Using YouTube to Enhance the Student Experience”



Visit our Chapter webpage at https://www.fscj.edu/afc

AFC Connections is our private interactive forum. Within this forum, we have the FSCJ Chapter Circle. Please join the circle and connect with us today!

How to Join the AFC FSCJ Chapter Circle:

Visit http://www.myafchome.org and click the login button.
Click on the 'My Profile' link.
Click on 'My Features' and select "Circles" - All Circles.
Scroll down through the circles to find the FSCJ Chapter Circle and select it.
Look to the upper right corner of the page and select 'join circle.'

Click on the plug to be taken to the FSCJ Chapter Circle. Click on 'join circle' and the login pop-up box will appear.

If you have an issue logging on to the site, first try clicking on the forgot my username AND forgot my password links. Forgot my username will send you an email with your correct username. Forgot my password will send you a link to reset your password.

If your email address is not found on file, please send a message to [email protected] and a staff member will contact you.



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