The AFC State Office is located at 1725 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32308. Please see the information listed below to contact the association president or office staff. If you are looking for a specific Region, Chapter, Commission, or Board of Director leadership, please visit one of the following pages:
Region Directors, Chapter Leaders, Commission Leaders, AFC Board of Directors
Mailing Address and Telephone Contact Information
Association of Florida Colleges 1725 Mahan Drive Tallahassee, FL 32308
Phone: (850) 222-3222 Fax: (850) 222-2327 General email inquiry: [email protected]
AFC 2024 President - Matt Wetzel, Florida State College at Jacksonville

I am excited to serve as your 2024 Association of Florida Colleges President as we will continue to build upon the journey we started in 2023 with “Moving Forward with Great Expectations.” In 2024, we will “Be Active, Keep Moving, and Transform our Minds” to ensure that we continue to build and grow as an Association.
Be Active We are looking for active members to become more active. As I mentioned in my speech, being active doesn’t just mean physical activity; it’s about actively participating in life and the Association. It’s about seizing opportunities, taking risks, and not being a passive observer. Being Active is also how we keep the AFC healthy. Being active is also how we keep AFC healthy. Be active in your local chapter, region, or commission. I want to challenge all current members to step up their current activity level and encourage others to be active as well. I want you all to break out of your comfort zone, take the initiative, and be an active participant in your own life.
“Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it.” -Theodore Roosevelt
Keep Moving As members, we need to keep moving forward with advancing the mission and vision of the organization to ensure we are successful. Even when faced with challenges, setbacks, or failures, don’t let them define you. Instead, use them as opportunities to learn and grow. Moving doesn’t always mean being in motion it is also being able to embrace change, learn from your experiences, and adapt to new challenges or circumstances.
“If you can’t fly then run if you can’t run then walk if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward” -Martin Luther King Jr
Transform Your Mind Lastly, I encourage everyone to cultivate a growth mindset, remain open to new ideas, and constantly seek knowledge. This mindset shift can open up a world of possibilities. It also means managing your thoughts and emotions, as they play a significant role in your decision-making. It allows you to approach challenges with resilience and view failures as opportunities for growth. When you transform your mind in this way, you can achieve things you once thought were impossible.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what the will of God is, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
During the year, my challenge to you is this, Apply these principles in your life. Start with small, manageable steps, and gradually build them into your daily routine. Be active in pursuing your goals, keep moving forward even when faced with obstacles, and transform your mind to unlock your full potential. A healthier you is a healthier, stronger AFC.
With your help and support, we will make 2024 an active and transformative year full of movement and action! Let’s be active and transformative in all we do.
Email: [email protected]
Association of Florida Colleges Staff:
Professional staff performs a variety of functions within the association. First and foremost, AFC staff strives to serve the needs of the membership. Review the list below to locate the appropriate staff person to assist you. To contact association staff by phone, call the state office at (850) 222-3222.
Tony Carvajal Executive Director/CEO [email protected]

Eileen Johnson Director of Operations [email protected]

Gregory D. Williams Membership & Engagement Manager [email protected]

Comments about this Web site, email: [email protected]
Updated by Webmaster on 1/31/2022